This Sidereal Timer is localized for the site of Observatorio ARVAL in Caracas, Venezuela.
Your PC's audio system should beep every second.
To set the visual alarm, click on any of the texts in the Sidereal Timer window.
This Sidereal Timer will only be accurate if your PC's clock is running an accurate time.
Please synchronize you PC to an atomic clock if you need the best accuracy.
[Subtract 30 minutes to accomodate the new Legal Time in Venezuela; DZT: -4.5hrs]
If this is your first Visual Basic 5.0 ActiveX application,
viewing it will require you to download two runtime programs from Microsoft's Web site:
Msvbvm50.dll (1.3MB) and AsycFilt.dll (116KB) [free].
These are the Visual Basic 5.0 Virtual Machine, and the OLE 2.20 Device Link Libraries.
This will be proposed to you automatically, also if they have to be updated.
Please make sure that in the "Internet Options" of your MS Internet Explorer you have not chosen to disable any ActiveX functionality.
Be aware that this application is not digitally signed,
but please trust that I have written and tested this application and have found it harmless to systems;
it does not modify any system parameters, and does not write in your disks.
The ActiveX Sidereal Timer is a copyright (©) of Andrés Valencia.
You can save this page and its two graphics,* for local use
in your PC.
* The two graphics are; the white star, and the Microsoft Internet Explorer logo.
To be seen with MS Internet Explorer.
Running the ActiveX Sidereal Timer application requieres the Internet Explorer Security level set to Low for
(as a Trusted Site)
Updated: April 6 '98, June 23 '14
Only experienced with
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